Inspire Inclusion with Insignis Cash

This International Women’s Day we celebrate the remarkable achievements of women. At Insignis Cash we are not just acknowledging the importance of this day; we are dedicated to fostering a culture of genuine inclusivity.

Join us as we shine a light on our incredible staff, inviting them to share their perspective on this year’s theme: inclusion.


What does inclusion mean to you?

“The concept of inclusion resonates deeply with me, especially as a woman of colour. It is important to me that I can, break through the conscious barriers that come with my gender, be seen on an equal footing with people, regardless of their gender or status.

With over two decades in finance, especially in banking, my challenges have been significant. It meant putting in five times the effort and hours of my male counterparts. However, this has pushed me to be at the forefront of conversations, breaking away from the habit of going last or holding back my opinions as they might not fit the mould. “

Deepti Siriwardana, Account Management Operations Manager

“For me, inclusion is about walking into a space and feeling confident that everyone is treated equally in their day-to-day interactions. Thankfully, I’ve been lucky in my role not to feel the need to assert my identity as a woman at work, although it’s strange to consider myself fortunate in that regard. While I don’t feel the urge to assert myself constantly, there are moments when I find it necessary to speak up about things that happen in my daily experiences.”

Kate Culverwell, Account Management Associate

What are your views on gender inclusivity in the finance sector?

“Reflecting on my personal experience, the finance sector still has some ground to cover in terms of inclusivity. Despite the employee demographic, over the last few years, there’s been a noticeable increase in the proportion of women in the finance industry succeeding and making progress. But there’s more work to be done. My commitment is to supply all employees with the tools they need to grow and move forward, providing encouragement and support.”


Jacob Muncey, Head of Payments

“Having worked in the Finance sector for the last 30 years, I’ve witnessed a transformative shift in opportunities for women. Working alongside and under the influence of remarkable women has played a pivotal role in shaping the person I am today. I take pride in being part of a company that champions inclusivity, with two women serving on the board. This International Women’s Day, let’s celebrate achievements, inspire inclusion, and pledge to continue dismantling barriers for a more equitable future.”

Sajjad Din, Account Director

How can senior leadership drive inclusivity?

Kate Toumazi
Kate ToumaziCOO
Giles Hutson
Giles HutsonCEO
Kate Eadie
Kate EadieCCO
Manj Gahir
Manj GahirCTO
Kate Toumazi

Kate Toumazi COO

Reflecting on International Women’s Day, I can’t help but think about the profound importance of inclusion. It’s about more than just being present; it’s about feeling like you belong, like you’re not the odd one out in a room. Throughout my career, I’ve experienced moments where I felt like I didn’t quite fit in simply because I’m a woman. But as I’ve gained experience and confidence, I’ve learned to assert myself and make my voice heard.

Having mentors who have walked in my shoes has been instrumental in my journey. They’ve supported me, coached and empowered me to push my career boundaries. I’m now passionate about paying it forward and encouraging others, especially in finance, to be bold and brave.

True inclusion means having women in decision-making roles. While progress has been made, there’s still work to be done. My advice to those entering the finance world would be to remember you were hired because you’re qualified with the right skills and ambition to improve yourself and your career. Keep learning, be bold, and don’t lose your voice. Advocate for yourself, and let people know what you’re interested in. Opportunities may not come overnight, but with persistence and determination, you can achieve anything.

Giles Hutson

Giles Hutson CEO

Inclusion is the core of our company’s culture. It’s vital that everyone feels valued and treated equally in their professional lives. Inclusion needs to be endemic to an organisation’s culture, not part of the annual review. This must be analysed and valued both at the pay and promotion level but also at the micro level; in daily meetings, workstreams and the way people are treated daily.

After 30 years in finance, I can say there has been progress. I would feel much happier about my daughters entering the finance industry now than in 1994. However, the industry, especially at senior levels, has a long way to go.

Gender inclusivity isn’t just about percentages; it’s also demonstrating what can be achieved highlighting achievable leadership examples. This does not mean positive discrimination; it means making sure the right talent is recognised. We are lucky to have an exceptional and diverse leadership team to lead by example.

We as a firm have worked hard to demonstrate our commitment to inclusion. This is part of our daily consciousness. I hope all team members feel that this is endemic and that, if there is a need, the firm moves quickly and appropriately to intervene.

For the next generation in finance, my advice is simple: know your worth at every career stage and be confident in seeking recognition once you’re aware of the value you bring.

Kate Eadie

Kate Eadie CCO

Reflecting on the finance landscape, it’s evident that historically and even today, there are fewer women in the field. However, we are making major strides in the right direction. That said, our focus should transcend gender representation; it must encompass broader diversity and equal opportunity. As a woman in the C-suite of a growing finance company, I’m proud to champion inclusivity that goes beyond gender lines.

My mission is to ensure that we celebrate individuals’ performance and diverse ways of working, prioritising the recruitment of the most talented individuals. This approach ensures that our teams are dynamic ecosystems, where diverse opinions, experiences, and backgrounds converge to foster innovation and drive success. It’s not about fitting into a preconceived notion of what a leader should be but leveraging each person’s unique strengths, experiences, and perspectives to propel us forward.

From the top down, it’s essential that leaders lead by example when championing diversity, creating an environment where everyone feels empowered to bring their full selves to work and speak up when they have something that can add value.

My advice for people entering the finance space would be to ensure you understand and embrace your strengths, communicate them confidently, and seek support when needed. By recognising our unique talents, we can find our best fit and contribute meaningfully to our professional journeys.

Ultimately, if you have something valuable to say, don’t hesitate to speak up. Your voice matters, and your insights should be valuable to those around you.

Manj Gahir

Manj Gahir CTO

Inclusion means having a workforce that’s diverse and represents everyone.

The tech industry, as we all know, tends to be dominated by men. For us, having a voice in tech means pushing for a more inclusive and gender-equal sector. I believe that for a business to thrive, you need a variety of people contributing diverse perspectives and ideas, and that’s exactly what we value in our tech team. We’re actively working to increase our female representation, and it’s making a real difference in the results we achieve.

Diversity is a key factor in how we hire and grow our tech team at Insignis Cash. Our hiring process is thorough and ensures that every person, no matter their background, is valued for what they bring to the table. This approach has given us an impressive mix of talents at every level. It’s a significant achievement that half of our staff are female, ranging from entry-level to board-level. As our team continues to grow, I’m confident that we’ll keep building on this diversity, creating an even more inclusive atmosphere.

To the next generation, my advice is simple: aim to be the best at what you do. Seize every opportunity to learn and excel in your actions. Most importantly, enjoy what you do.

What advice can you share with the next generation?

“To the next generation, I’d say work towards building a supportive workplace community. Be kind and friendly, and provide support to each other every day. As a woman, embrace your emotions without fear or guilt; reassure yourself that they’re entirely acceptable. Inclusion is there — be bold, go against the odds, and and use being a woman to your advantage in a male dominated field. Acknowledge your greatness and play to your strengths”

Fabienne Syson, Account Management Executive


“Ask questions and foster relationships with individuals who possess the skills and experiences you admire. Embracing both successes and failures openly creates a culture of inclusivity, where everyone feels empowered to contribute and learn. Success isn’t achieved in isolation; it’s a collective effort. By leveraging the knowledge and support of our community, we can pave the way for a more inclusive future. Let’s continue to uplift and empower one another, inspiring inclusion at every opportunity.

Gideon Moss, Senior Account Manager

“For the next generation of women, my advice is never to limit your ambitions and be your authentic self. Make a name for yourself through hard work and build credibility through your efforts; anything is possible. Take on leadership roles with confidence and recognise your ability to succeed.

Learning from role models and successful women is crucial for personal and skill development. Don’t forget to give back and support the women around you. As you navigate your career, understand the importance of having your say in how the workplace can influence inclusion and diversity, particularly in areas like hiring and promotions. Contribute your unique perspectives and talents to shape a more diverse and dynamic financial landscape.

Maya Odedra, Team Lead Onboarding

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