Holding cash assets in a variety of currencies can give your clients additional security through diversification and enable you to take advantage of opportunities in other locales without having to pay exchange fees. Management of cash in different currencies can be a time-consuming exercise and signing up for multiple accounts that accept these currencies can prove difficult.
Using a cash management service is a great way to ensure that your clients’ cash assets maintain a high level of liquidity, get favourable blended rates of return, and enjoy high levels of FSCS protection across their total funds, but what if some of your managed portfolios contain Euro or USD cash assets? Do you need to exchange currencies in order to reap the benefits of a cash management platform?
Fortunately for investors that like to hold cash in various currencies, that’s not the case. Insignis Cash can assist you in simplifying management of your clients’ US Dollar and Euro cash savings with our award-winning cash management service. We have partnered with a number of high-rated UK banks in order to help achieve improved interest rates for popular currencies, meaning that there is a reduced risk for cash deposit totals that fall outside of the FSCS bracket. We have helped clients achieve a positive interest rate return on their Euro cash savings where they have had a varied liquidity structure.
When it comes to options for clients with mixed currencies in their portfolios, Insignis Cash are your cash solutions partner.